The conference
A Twitter conference is an online conference that takes place on Twitter. Linguistweets will feature research presentations delivered via a series of no more than 6 tweets, presented during a 15 min time slot, under the hashtag #linguistweets.
Besides removing the hassle of traveling, especially during pandemics, Twitter conferences promote open science: everyone can follow the presentations, ask questions, and take part in the discussions.
Linguistweets is organized by the Brazilian Linguistics Association.
Important dates
- 13Oct 2022 23:59 UTC Local time *
Abstract submission deadline
- 10Nov 2022 23:59 UTC Local time *
- 28Nov 2022 23:59 UTC Local time *
Program publication
- 5Dec 2022 06:30 UTC Local time *
Rules and guidelines
- You should have your own Twitter account.
- Your presentation can be a maximum of 6 tweets, in just one thread. All tweets must be tweeted within your allocated 15 minute time slot.
- Presentations can be made in Portuguese, Spanish or English.
- The first tweet should start with the hashtag #linguistweets. Use hashtags to interact with a larger and sometimes more targeted audience. You can add as many hashtags as you want. Twitter users can find out about your work through browsing hashtags.
- The very first tweet should attract the attention to the thread. It could be a question, for example. The other five tweets can try to answer that question in many different ways.
- Check out Lauren Gawne’s tips for an excellent Twitter presentation here.
- Links to extra material describing your research are not allowed.
- You can present results that have not been published before, results from recent preprints or even published material. The idea is to circulate your research on Twitter! If your presentation relates to your published work, provide a link to the paper. This will boost the paper’s score on social media tracking tools such as Altmetric, Plum Analytics and Dimensions!
- Photos, graphs and videos can be used. In order to better explain their science to as many people as possible, please provide descriptions, using Twitter’s accessibility options, in case you use photos. Instructions for increasing visual accessibility on Twitter can be found here. To make sure images are available to those with color blindness, please use appropriate graph color schemes. The speaker is responsible for ensuring they have the correct copyright and permissions for the material to be published on Twitter.
- Create tweets that will be accessible to a broad audience. A Twitter conference is not designed only to specialists; it is meant to disseminate scientific knowledge among non-specialists as well.
- To prevent issues during your presentation, draft your tweets ahead of time. You can check the character count here
- Rehearse your presentation and make sure you are familiar with the way comments are shown on Twitter before the conference so that you can answer them effectively.
- Note that tweets can not be changed once they are published, so before posting, double check for any errors.
- Instead of posting your six tweets all at once at the beginning of your time slot, you should pace them to be slightly apart, to give people time to read and understand them.
- You should plan to be online during your time slot to answer questions and respond to comments. If you are unable to present during your allocated time slot, you can schedule your tweets using services such as Tweetdeck, so that they get posted automatically.
- When interacting with others during the conference, respond directly to tweets using the “Reply” option so you create a thread of the conversation and others can follow the conversation.
- You are not limited to responding to questions and comments just in your time slot. You can participate in discussion throughout the conference.
- You can participate in the conference even if you are not presenting. Anyone can participate.
- Before the conference begins, take some time to look through the schedule and note the times of talks you are interested in, so you can reach out to the presenter during their presentation.
- This website will automatically display on its main page the thread that is being presented at the time you visit it during the conference. Then you will be able to click on it and get redirected to that thread on Twitter. From there, you can interact with the presenter. After the presentation time is over, a link of the thread will be available on the program’s page.
- Please remember to include the conference hashtag #linguistweets in all your questions and comments so that others can find your tweets and know they are related to the Linguistweets Conference.
- Make sure your account is public so that others can see and interact with your tweets
- The Linguistweets Conference is an inclusive event. Aggressive, offensive, discriminatory or abusive language will not be tolerated. Violators of this rule will be reported to Twitter.
General inquiries
The views and information shared via this Twitter conference are those of the participants and not those of the Brazilian Linguistics Association.