5Dec 2021
00:00 UTC


5Dec 2021 06:15 UTC Local time *

Formação continuada Multidimensional em 180 caracteres

Stephan Hughes (PUC-SP)

O presente estudo objetiva descrever a linguagem gerada em um chat educacional realizado pelo Twitter por meio de modelos de análise multidimensional e das ferramentas computacionais e estatísticas da Linguística de Corpus.

O Twitter goza de uma posição privilegiada na disseminação e troca de informação em praticamente todas as esferas da vida moderna. Grupos e indivíduos, governos e órgãos institucionais, ONGs, veículos de imprensa, empresas de todo porte partilham informações através de mensagens de até 180 caracteres chamadas de tuítes, textos que na maioria das vezes são organizados pelo símbolo de um hashtag, facilitando a localização das mensagens e, subsequentemente, uma possível participação de interessados. Os chats educacionais, encontros semanais pela plataforma do Twitter oferecem um espaço onde professores e outros stakeholders possam discutir assuntos relacionados ao ensino, em um modelo internacional calçado em conceitos de socio-interacionismo, socio-construtivismo e da teoria da atividade. A linguagem gerada nos encontros identificados pelo hashtag #nt2t (em inglês, New Teachers to Twitter) será o objeto desse estudo sob a ótica da Linguística de Corpus, campo com foco na língua em uso. A LC utiliza ferramentas computacionais e estatísticas para gerar dados multivariados que mostram as co-ocorrências de características linguísticas nos tuítes, assim revelando as dimensões funcionais e lexicais das conversas entre usuários participantes desse chat. Os resultados da análise Multidimensional servirá para nos afirmar o tipo de registro predominante nas interações, assim como os temas e unidades lexicais mais frequentes (a saber, elementos de collocation e colligation) nas postagens.

#linguistweets #TW06h15 Quão representativo pode ser um corpus de 13.247.981 tuítes identificados pelo hashtag #nt2t, postados nos últimos dois anos, dos Twitter chats – conversas síncronas em forma de tuites sobre assuntos ligados à educação?
5Dec 2021 06:30 UTC Local time *

Speech act of threat: a logic-pragmatic proposal

Welton Silva (UEMS)

This research aims to describe a possible logic-pragmatic configuration to the speech act of threat in Brazilian Portuguese. It was analyzed fifteen threat letters, understood as a language crime.

This research aims to describe a possible logic-pragmatic configuration to the speech act of threat in Brazilian Portuguese. It was analyzed fifteen threat letters. The study was made based mainly on the theoretical and methodological postulates of the Speech Act Theory, proposed by Austin, and reformulated by Searle (AUSTIN, 1990; SEARLE, 1979). In addition to this, we looked for support and contributions in the fields Philosophy of the Language, Argumentative Semantics, as well as in some research from the Forensic Linguistics (SHUY, 2005; SALGUEIRO, 2010; WALTON, 2014). It was possible to suggest a logic-pragmatic configuration to the speech act of threat, understood as a language crime, taking in count that these types of sentences could be made on an explicit and implicit mode.

Speech act of threat: a logic-pragmatic proposal #linguistweets #TW0630 This research aims to describe a possible logic-pragmatic configuration to the speech act of threat in Brazilian Portuguese.
5Dec 2021 06:45 UTC Local time *

Friend or foe: morphological kinship between words

Julia Cataldo (UFRJ)

Co-author: Aniela França (UFRJ)

Are we aware that we go to a ‘restaurant’ to ‘restore’ our forces? The results of this empirical study shed light on the way we access semantically opaque words (as whole words vs. by affix stripping) and on the method of storing them in the mind (morphologic vs. semantic route).

Lexical access allows the immediate understanding and production of words online. Despite being a basic linguistic computation, there is a lot of heated theoretical dispute in this area. This study will present an empirical research whose results shed light on the way we access transparent and semantically opaque words (as whole words vs. by affix stripping) and on the method of storing them in the mind (morphologic vs. semantic routes).
The Distributed Morphology theory suggests there are different lexical approaches, originated from psychologically different processes. However, we are interested in the access of words that bear a morphological relationship between them and that once also shared a semantic relation, but that under the synchronous perspective have lost it. For instance, liquidação (Brazilian Portuguese for the word sale) derives diachronically from líquido (liquid), but nowadays Brazilian speakers seem to ignore this semantic relationship. This very specific type of morphologic and semantic relationship between words has never been tested before in this language.
In order to evaluate MD predictions, we ran a priming test with a lexical decision judgment (word/non-word). We compared pairs of synchronically semantically unrelated (but morphologically linked) words -like líquido/liquidação (liquid/sale)- with pairs that maintain a transparent compositional relationship -like líquido/liquidificar (liquid/liquefy)- and with pairs that maintain only a semantic (and not morphological) relationship -like líquido/aquoso (liquid/aqueous). For each of these three conditions, we selected stimuli with two different sizes/morphologic layers: for instance, “líquido-liquidação”(liquid-sale) pairs, presented above, stand for the long condition of the opaque relationship, while “líquido-liquidar”(liquid-liquidate) pairs stand for the short one.
The results of a first behavioral pilot test confirmed the MD hypothesis, evidencing i) a decompositional course during processing, regardless of semantic opacity; ii) new entries for words such as liquidação (sale) in the mental lexicon; and iii) different psychological processes for the morphologic and semantic routes: we propose linguistic composition for the former and joint memory for the latter.
Our next step will be to run an EEG test with the same design. We expect to find wider ERP amplitudes for the semantically opaque conditions and different latencies between two-different-size stimuli (2 and 3 morphologic layers) for both the transparent and opaque morphological conditions, but not for the semantic-only one. These findings would confirm our previous conclusions for the pilot test.

#linguistweets #TW0645 Are we aware that we go to a ‘restaurant’ to ‘restore’ our forces? Or that a 'professor' is someone who 'professes' a knowledge? The results of this empirical study shed light on the way we access and represent semantically opaque words such as these ones
5Dec 2021 07:00 UTC Local time *

The pragmatics of Swedish-Estonian code-switching

Mari-Liis Korkus (University of Tartu)

In this presentation, I explore the pragmatics of code-switching, a linguistic behavior among multilingual speakers. Along with theoretical notions, I present the main findings of a recent study (Korkus 2021) which analyses conversations between Swedish Estonian teens.

Most of the world’s population speaks at least two or more languages (Auer 1984) which means that many daily conversations are multilingual. Multiple studies have described the structural aspects of this bilingual behaviour. This study will look at the other side of the coin and focus on the pragmatics of multilingual interactions. To exemplify some arguments, I will be using samples from the spoken conversations of Swedish Estonian teenagers.

What happens during these conversations is much more than simple word borrowing. People can also shift between entire or partial phrases in different languages, and commonly this phenomenon is referred to as code-switching (CS). Current research divides into two schools of thought: some are concerned with the grammatical aspects of this process and try to explain how we integrate one language into the other (for example, Myers-Scotton 1997, Johanson 2002); others approach from a more pragmatic point of view and study the functions and connections to different social factors of CS (for example, Gumperz 1982, Appel and Muysken 2005).

Here I will be following the latter approach on the example of Swedish Estonian teenagers. Today, around 10,000 Estonians live in Sweden (SCB). Until the late 1980s, people emigrated there due to war (Raag 2010). Nowadays, these relocations are mostly work-related (Kumer-Haukanõmm, Telve 2017). Linguists have studied the Swedish Estonian community since the 1970s, but very few of these studies focus on teenagers.

This presentation aims to explore the CS functions of Swedish-Estonian bilingual interactions. I will be presenting findings from a recent study (Korkus 2021) where I investigated the language use of five teenagers between the ages of 15-17 years. I recorded the speakers in the form of conversation groups – a less common approach for researching CS.

Around 25% of the utterances contained CS. By mapping out the patterns where language switches occurred, a total of six CS functions systematically appeared in the data. These include semantic specifications, quasi-translations, vocabulary limitations, expressiveness, wordplay, and cross-utterance language harmony. In these series of tweets, I will further clarify their occurrence patterns and characteristics.

Have you ever listened to a #multilingual conversation and wondered why people switch between languages? 🤔 This question became the focus of my #research, where I analysed the spoken #language of Swedish-Estonian bilingual teenagers. Here’s a 🧵 for #linguistweets #TW0700 1/6
5Dec 2021 07:15 UTC Local time *

Aspectos semântico-pragmáticos no processamento de metáforas

Alguns veículos metafóricos possuem duplo sentido. Algumas vezes a mudança do tópico origina outra interpretação da frase. “Algumas sogras são cobras” e “Alguns músicos são cobras” são exemplos de mudança de tópicos que originam implicaturas com conotações negativas ou positivas.

Este trabalho, com o olhar voltado para a lógica da conversação de Grice (1975) e comentado em Oliveira e Basso (2014), tem o objetivo de analisar alguns aspectos semântico-pragmáticos presentes no processamento psicolinguístico de metáforas, tendo em vista que, no português brasileiro (PB), são verificadas algumas expressões metafóricas que possuem duplo sentido metafórico a depender do contexto, o que é natural, mas também pelo acréscimo de um determinante. Afinal, o tópico (X) de uma expressão metafórica do tipo “X é Y” tem influência no processamento dessa mesma expressão? Será que o veículo metafórico (Y) tem exclusividade na forma de interpretação de uma expressão metafórica? Essas são algumas das questões que se buscaram responder com esse trabalho. Com base nas expressões metafóricas construídas por Ricci (2016) e adaptadas para este estudo, vimos que sim, não só o tópico da expressão, mas mesmo um determinante pode influenciar sobremaneira na compreensão da expressão metafórica, conforme postulado por Gentner e Bowdle (2005), no construto da carreira da metáfora.

#linguistweets #TW0715. Aspectos semânticos e pragmáticos também explicam o #ProcessamentoDeMetáfora. #Cobra pode se referir à pessoa de má índole e também pode indicar pessoa extraordinária. O #tópico da expressão poderá direcionar a interpretação para um lado ou para outro. 1/6
5Dec 2021 07:30 UTC Local time *

Can mobility affect the grammar at the syntax level? A study in Brazilian Portuguese

Manoel Siqueira (UFS)

Co-author: Raquel Freitag (UFS)

In this paper, a study about the presence of definite article before possessed NP in Brazilian Portuguese is carried with a sample constituted by sociolinguistic interviews with students from the Federal University of Sergipe to observe if the pattern of distribution suggests an identity-driven force to the campus practices.

Because of public policies for inclusion, the Brazilian educational system expanded in the past decade changing the profile of students. The students’ access from socially disadvantaged classes, and their academic mobility from different geographical regions, affect language. In a social space like campus, this diversity set up a scenario of linguistic change. College students’ migration to a new community expanded their contact with different varieties of languages. The presence or absence of article in determiner position (D) before possessed NP from Brazilian Portuguese, as in Vi o-(D) seu irmão (I saw the-(D) your brother) and Vi Ø-(D) seu irmão (I saw Ø your brother) behaves as a dialectal marker. In Sergipe, the absence of article in D-position is the pattern; in other regions, as Bahia, D-presence is the pattern. In this paper, an observational study of this feature is carried with a sample from Deslocamentos (displacement) dataset, constituted by sociolinguistic interviews with undergraduate from Federal University of Sergipe (UFS), Brazil, balanced for the degree of mobility, time in the course, and sex (n=60). The rate of D-presence in UFS is 43.7% (n=2326). It was computed the mean rate of D-presence by student and compared the effect of sex, period (begin or end), and displacement profile. The main effect of displacement profile in D-presence is statistically significant and large (F(4,53)=3.79,p=0.009). Displacement 1-3 concerning students born and raised in the same state from UFS; Alagoas and Bahia concerning students from another dialectal area. Displacement 1 students (36.0%) are from the capital, live with their parents, have their lunch on campus or at home, do not participate in academic projects because they work. Displacement 2 students (37.7%) are from the countryside of the state and move from home to the campus every day, they also live with their parents and are engaged in academic projects. Displacement 3 students (34.5%) are also from the countryside of the state, but they live in the capital, with roommates; they’re engaged in academic projects. Alagoas (44.3%) and Bahia (52.1%) students are also engaged in academic projects and live with roommates or relatives; their mean rates of D-presence are greater than the displacements profiles within the dialectal region from campus. The dialectal region of residence is significant when it is observed the effect of the period in each displacement profile: while in displacements 1-3 the period is not significant, with students from another dialectal area the period acts for the balancing of mean rates: mean rate of students from Alagoas downgraded and from Bahia upgraded. D-presence is not a salient linguistic feature, but the pattern of distribution suggests an identity-driven force to the campus practices or the dialectal behavior of the community. This result contributes to revealing how mobility affects grammar at the syntax level

Mobility affects grammar not only at the phonological level. In syntax, change can also occur due to linguistic contact in new environments. An example is the presence/absence of the definite article before possessed NP in Brazilian Portuguese #linguistweets #TW0730 1/6 https://t.co/4zuGMjU5PL
5Dec 2021 08:00 UTC Local time *

Ethos colectivo digital en los del Sí a la paz

Laura Bonilla (CONICET)

En el marco del análisis de discurso francés, en esta ponencia se examina cómo las marcas enunciativas, como el “nosotros” y el uso de hashtags con función de identificación de grupo, contribuyeron a la construcción del ethos colectivo de grupos en Twitter a favor del Sí en el plebiscito sobre el Acuerdo de paz en Colombia.

La presente ponencia tiene como objetivo examinar las marcas enunciativas que contribuyen a construir el ethos colectivo de grupos en Twitter a favor de la opción Sí en el plebiscito sobre los Acuerdos de paz de Colombia. Este plebiscito fue una consulta popular que se realizó en el 2 de octubre de 2016 con el fin de refrendar el tratado firmado entre el Gobierno de Juan Manuel Santos y la guerrilla de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC), después de casi cinco años de negociación entre las partes. En este trabajo en particular, se analiza el uso del “nosotros”, así como del empleo de hashtags como fórmulas (Krieg-Planque, 2009) en el proceso de construcción de un colectivo en favor de los acuerdos. Este estudio se enmarca en la perspectiva del análisis de discurso de tendencia francófona (Maingueneau, 2014), se apoya en el enfoque de la lingüística de la enunciación (Kerbrat-Orecchioni, 1997) para profundizar en el análisis de la deixis personal, así como en el análisis del discurso digital (Paveau, 2017) para describir el uso de las herramientas tecnodiscursivas. Se recolectaron 1200 tuits entre el 1 de mayo y el 31 de julio de 2016, periodo previo a la campaña plebiscitaria. Como resultados preliminares se encuentra que el empleo de las diversas formas del pronombre personal “nosotros” y el uso de los hashtags con función de identificación de grupo contribuyeron a la construcción de una nueva entidad colectiva más abarcadora. Esta entidad pretendió establecer procesos de identificación tanto con los prodestinatarios como con los paradestinatarios (Verón, 1987) a las puertas de un proceso electoral como lo fue el plebiscito sobre los Acuerdos de paz. Esta ponencia se enmarca en mi investigación doctoral financiada por el Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET).

#linguistweets Ethos colectivo digital en los del Sí a la paz🕊️ ¿Cómo se construyó la imagen colectiva de perfiles grupales de Twitter a favor del Acuerdo de paz en Colombia? Analizamos la deixis y los hashtags que contribuyeron a construir el ethos colectivo. #TW0800 1/6
5Dec 2021 08:15 UTC Local time *

The neurobiology of dyslexia in bilinguals with the use of fMRI

Aline Fay (PUCRS)

Co-author: Augusto Buchweitz

The aim of my presentation is to show the relationship between reading performance and bilingualism in dyslexia; the neural correlates regarding the performance of bilingual and monolingual individuals with dyslexia and the neural correlates of shallow and deep orthography of the two languages in bilingual reading.

Dyslexia is a learning disorder of neurobiological origin and it is characterized by an unexpected difficulty when learning to read. Its main obstacle is a difficulty to learn the alphabetical principle and establish an association between graphemes and phonemes. This learning disorder affects readers of any language, for instance, Spanish (shallow orthography) or English (deep orthography). Therefore, the main aim of this paper was to investigate bilingualism (Portuguese-English) as a mediator of reading in individuals with dyslexia. For the Portuguese protocol it was administered a battery of tests of the Brain Institute of RS (project ACERTA) and for the English protocol it was used Woodcock – Johnson Achievement Battery – III (WJ-III). The objectives of the present article are to investigate (1) the relationship between reading performance and bilingualism in dyslexia; (2) the neural correlates regarding the performance of bilingual and monolingual individuals with dyslexia, as well as typical readers; (3) reading and writing performance in bilingual individuals with dyslexia; (4) the neural correlates of shallow and deep orthography of the two languages in bilingual reading. The results showed a superior performance of dyslexic bilinguals (DB) in comparison to dyslexic monolinguals (DM) in all reading and writing components in Portuguese. In the task accuracy and orthographic fluency in Portuguese, the DM group had a mean error of 28% (SD 9.38), however, in the same task, but in English, the group had a mean error of 48% (SD 8.50). In the task accuracy and fluency in the reading of words and pseudowords in Portuguese, the DB group had a mean error of 6% (SD 2.38), however in the same task, but in English, the group obtained an average error of 19 % (SD 2.58). We concluded that the learning of an L2 has positively influenced the DB group of the present study, corroborating the ideas of Sparks and Ganschow (1991), concerning the Linguistic Coding Differences Hypothesis. In the comparison of DB performance in Portuguese and English tasks, the results suggested that the apparent superiority in DB performance in Portuguese tasks may be related to the orthographic depth. The results of the neuroimaging (fMRI) showed that the dyslexics do not present activation in the visual word form area (VWFA) for words, the typical do, though. Dyslexics have more activation for false font. This result shows that the VWFA has not yet automatized and adapted to the identification of the visual form of words, it is still responding more to figures. As for the Control group, activation is immediate. The results of the neural activation in the task in English and Portuguese suggested that the DB still lack automatization in reading.

🧠🔬The aim of my research was to investigate bilingualism (Portuguese-English) as a mediator of reading in individuals with dyslexia with the use of fMRI. #linguistweets #TW0815 Link to my research: https://t.co/9I1gc0m02L
5Dec 2021 08:30 UTC Local time *

Redundancy: do dutch and english speakers like it?

Eva Zehentner (UZH)

Co-author: Dirk Pijpops

We investigate redundancy –specifically, redundant use of argument disambiguation strategies – as a potential case of competition between production efficiency and robustness

We investigate redundancy –specifically, redundant use of argument disambiguation strategies – as a potential case of competition between production efficiency and robustness: While redundancy should be dispreferred in a system geared towards maximal efficiency, redundant marking may have advantages from a perception perspective due to increasing robustness of transmission in noisy channels.

We test these two opposing hypotheses in a specific case of argument disambiguation, viz. strategies to distinguish between agents and recipients in Dutch and English ditransitive clauses. These include (i) prepositional marking of the recipient (as in e.g. They gave a book to the librarian), (ii) formal differentiation (by means of distinctive subject vs object forms of personal pronouns, as in They gave me a book vs I gave them a book), (iii) subject-verb agreement (e.g. The student gives the librarians a book vs The librarians give the student a book), and (iv) constituent order (e.g. agents in pre-verbal vs recipients in post-verbal position in SVO languages). A further strategy, namely exploiting biases in semantics and pragmatics of the arguments, such as prototypical expectations about animacy, does not hold in this particular case – agents and recipients are both typically animate, given, and definite, among other things.

Analysing ditransitive tokens from corpora of Present Day Dutch and English, we show that redundant marking, i.e. using more than one disambiguation strategy in a single utterance, is the default. At the same time, however, we find that redundancy is constrained: a large majority of cases exhibit double marking, while triple or even quadruple marking is rare. Additional support for a preference for redundancy within limits comes from diachronic data from the history of English – periods of greater redundancy are temporary, and redundant marking is soon reduced. We take these results to confirm both of the initial hypotheses, with the extent of redundant marking indicating a balance between efficiency and robustness.

redundancy: do dutch and english speakers like it? we investigate redundant use of argument disambiguation strategies as a prime test case of competing motivations, specifically production efficiency vs transmission robustness #linguistweets #TW0830 @DirkPijpops
5Dec 2021 08:45 UTC Local time *

Aquisição segmental e prosódica nas produções verbais de crianças prematuras

Kyvia Tenório (UFAL)

Co-authors: Luzia Miscow da Cruz Payão, Miguel Oliveira Jr

Este estudo analisou a aquisição segmental consonantal, vocálica e prosódica nas produções verbais de prematuros ao longo de seis coletas, considerando a idade gestacional e o peso ao nascer, sendo constatada a presença do atraso linguístico nessa aquisição.

Na aquisição de uma língua, a criança começa a realizar ajustes para produzir a língua-alvo (MATZENAUER; MIRANDA, 2010; MATZENAUER, 2015 PAYÃO; COSTA, 2016). Essa aquisição pode ser afetada pela idade gestacional e pelo peso. Este trabalho partiu da hipótese de que há entre os prematuros defasagens quanto à aquisição segmental consonantal, vocálica e prosódica, correlacionando a idade gestacional e o peso ao nascer. O objetivo da presente pesquisa foi analisar a aquisição segmental consonantal, vocálica e prosódica nas produções verbais de prematuros, considerando a idade gestacional e o peso ao nascer. Este estudo comparou a quantidade de segmentos consonantais e vocálicos e a quantidade de processos fonológicos entre os prematuros ao longo das seis coletas, tendo como referência a aquisição segmental e prosódica apontada pela literatura sobre desenvolvimento linguístico típico do PB. Os dados de fala espontânea de onze crianças, avaliadas entre 12 a 25 meses, provêm de um banco de dados longitudinal coletados entre 2014 e 2018. Os achados evidenciam que os prematuros não produziram todos os segmentos da língua portuguesa até os 20 meses de idade corrigida. A correção da idade não compensou a existência do atraso presente nos prematuros. A aquisição prosódica revelou-se defasada quanto ao preenchimento segmental das sílabas átonas e tônica, uma vez que a sílaba tônica se destacou em relação às átonas e os processos fonológicos de maior relevância foram a não realização de uma sílaba ou mais e não realização de segmento no onset simples. Os prematuros estão em atraso por não preenchem os segmentos em todas as posições silábicas, podendo afetar o desempenho linguístico em idades posteriores.

#linguistweets #TW0845 Na aquisição de uma língua, a criança começa a realizar ajustes para produzir a língua-alvo (MATZENAUER; MIRANDA, 2010; MATZENAUER, 2015 PAYÃO; COSTA, 2016).Essa aquisição pode ser afetada pela idade gestacional e pelo peso ao nascer.